robot name?
Saturday, June 30, 2007
So today,we went to digi agent in api api centre to get the transformer "spot the car sticker" .My boo really liked the sticker and stick it to the car on the spot.
I read on the instruction and it says that in order to win the 6 feet figure optimus prime, one must come up with a new robot name and it must be unique!
So guys, help me win optimus prime , or maybe one of those 1000 miniature robot that they offer lah!!
posted @ 9:06 PM,
- At July 1, 2007 at 10:55 PM, said...
How about combining your bro's name and then "formers" at the back?
or... something like this... MAMAformers... Uhuks... I'm not good at giving names... - At July 2, 2007 at 8:47 AM, Shana said...
my bro's name?better use my boo's name combine it with "formers" at the back..but i dont think it sounds nice though..hehe dont marah ahh boo heheh.Mamaformers sounds erm like their guardians name pula..hehe
- At July 2, 2007 at 3:03 PM, said...
Hehehehehe... How about Catformers? Hahahahah~
- At July 2, 2007 at 3:34 PM, Shana said...
catformers?heheh nice one since i love cats !!hehe