Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Hola!i have a job!i have a job!finally!after a long agonizing months of being jobless, im finally hired!yes yes !praise to God!
I was jumping with joy yesterday at wisma merdeka and people around me look as if im crazy! I AM!!crazy girl with a job!hehehe
oh not only that, i checked my bloggerwave and i've earned $26 so far( its not a big deal huh) but yes cindy!my first gaji!hehehhe i am still happy from yesterday!cant wait to start earning my own salary..
ah..yesterday i made my own spaghetti...yummy!i just love spaghetti and thats why i know how to cook em'!!
im off now to cook for dinner, so have a nice day guys and gals cause i DID!!! *BIG SMILE*
posted @ 4:50 PM,
- At June 12, 2007 at 7:13 PM, said...
Congratulations on your new job! :D
- At June 12, 2007 at 7:21 PM, Nessa said...
Good for you girl!:) Welcome to the working world.
- At June 12, 2007 at 7:57 PM, Shana said...
thanks!heheh still smiling from ear to ear