Saturday, June 16, 2007

So there goes paris hilton once again...back to she thought she could get
away with her "unknown medical sickness eh?" well think again paris!
The judge wasn’t having any of that at home arrest nonsense, so he had Paris Hilton handcuffed and sent her crying and screaming back off to her cell (auwww poor paris,look at the pic). Ok, we all get it, no one WANTS to be jail, but u did break the rules so there you go.. She is going to make a forture off this in about six months and in less than three weeks she’ll be back to her glamorous life. So really, is it really that bad? This is one little heiress that really needs a life reality check/wake-up call. It must suck to realize that you really aren’t any better than anyone else, huh?So see ya Paris!
Paris fan, dont hate me,please!lol
posted @ 9:16 PM,
- At June 30, 2007 at 3:26 PM, said...
Paris fan? In fact I sokong you! LOL