Monday, October 1, 2007

Everytime u get extra penny in ur pocket what do you do?Well i put it in a jar (nope,i dont have tabung).I keep 50cent ,sometimes 20cent,10 cent and even 1 cent.So last week ,i decided to put the money in the bank,the banker told me they will count the money and call me back , so after 2 hours , they called back and guess how much money in that jar?RM401.21 cent!i was amazed,i didnt know sampai ratus pun! but still i am glad that all the penny i save i can use to pay for my baju raya or give angpow to kids,hehe anyone want angpow?or better yet, give me angpow!
posted @ 9:28 AM,
- At October 1, 2007 at 2:22 PM, said...
Wow!That is a lot! I'd be surprised & happy too if I could save that much in my tabung. LOL
- At October 1, 2007 at 4:38 PM, said...
Wah, that's a lot! Can buy nice clothes sudah tu! I wonder how much money I have in my tabung. Macam ringan saja oh.. hahaha!
- At October 1, 2007 at 7:13 PM, Nessa said...
Wah... kaya la Shana!:) I dunno where all my duit 1sen went. I don't even have a tabung:(
- At October 2, 2007 at 12:09 AM, Shemah said...
I haven't sent my son's tabung to the bank yet. But i doubt sampai ratus lah jugak. Puluh maybe got lah.. hehehe..
- At October 2, 2007 at 2:34 AM, Ratu Syura said...
wahhh.. byk sudah duit kau! bah, ndak payah la buat paid posts. simpan tabung saja.. hahaha... btw, thanks for the thumbs up on the baju raya. i hope it's not too late to cari...
- At October 2, 2007 at 9:10 AM, Mas Light said...
lol i save it in those tupperwear thinggies...i dun like coins in my purse..berat bah XD
so, when i think i dun haf space anymore, i'll start counting XD yes myself. i would count it at least 3 times before bank it in XD - At October 2, 2007 at 1:27 PM, Shana said...
ann: yeap ,i was surprised too!
cindy: with that money i can pay the tailor that made my baju raya , hehe same like buying nice clothes juga kan..:D
nessa:actually lama sudah dis tabung,nasiblah ada extra moolah this festive season.
shemah: heheh manalah tau sampai ratus..
ratusyura:tabung lama mau simpann,paid posting tia brapa lama hehe
massy:too many coins malas sia kira..heheh rajinnya massy!:D - At October 5, 2007 at 5:49 PM, Just Another Blogger said...
Erm.. that image you have looks a bit freaky to me for some reason, it almost didn't look like a jar of pennies... or something.
- At October 6, 2007 at 1:10 AM, said...
my tabung oso berat...but not because of berat duit...the tabung yg lebih2 berat...hee