Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Morning guys!!
on the way to work today ,leo called me and told me something he find rather funny..then he mms me the pic then i understand..
ever experience ppl waiting for buses tepi jalan and busses stop and halang our lalulintas ?Now this pic will show us even goat juga civilized and wait bus where it suppose to be, busstop lah!

kasian those goats bah , lama sudah tu diorang tunggu tu bas inda pandai berenti berenti..hehe
posted @ 11:36 AM,
- At September 26, 2007 at 12:48 AM, eshark said...
Alamak ini goat buli tahan..
There's sometime about a while ago I've experience there were bunch of goats + cows crowding under one roof..
then guess what happen after they left.. so many 'periuk api' around. - At September 28, 2007 at 11:25 AM, Shana said...
ewww periuk api...lol