going to menumbok..tired giaaaa
Friday, July 6, 2007
Just got back from visiting menumbok and kuala penyu station..erkkk so tired..but still manage to take picture jugalah..i took this picture because it reminds me when i was a lil kid ,i use to suck the flower to taste its sweetness and pretend that im a beautiful butterfly (thee hee hee)

does anyone know this flower and do the same thing like i did?suck the sweetness out of the flower kah or its just me?
Then a long the way back to the office , so many stalls selling bananas and lukan (clam kah dat?) and i bought lukan...nyum nyum..sedap masak taucu..u guys want some?
Nyum Nyum!!!
posted @ 2:42 PM,
- At July 6, 2007 at 3:49 PM, said...
I used to suck on those Ixoria too. Sedap! LOL!
Wah, lama tak makan lukan. >< - At July 6, 2007 at 4:17 PM, Shana said...
oh...so lxoria the name..now i know..
bah cindy, u come here ,i cook for you lukan..come come - At July 7, 2007 at 7:53 PM, Nessa said...
Oh Ixoria pula nama bunga tu. We used to call it 'bunga seribu'. I don't like lukan, banyak pasir la...