scaredily cat...
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
have u ever scold ur cat or ur dog?and how are their reaction?This is how cougar reacts when leo scolded him for messing the kitchen..(bungkar sampah bah )
he's not sleeping..he's trying to cover his face..

after few minutes leaving him alone in the room..
hehe cute kan??
and this is leo holding his keropok "leoko" and claiming that he have his own keropok now..hehe
And this is me holding my cousins new baby talent kah to become mother?hehe

and this is me camwhoring
this is the fewd i prepare for my aunt's kenduri on last signature dish,ayam masak merah..
and agar agar..
im hungry now...
posted @ 2:36 PM,
- At September 4, 2007 at 3:34 PM, Horny Ang Moh said...
Hallo! Ur cat cute leh! That agar agar look very tempting! BTW tq for dropping at my site! Have a nice day!
- At September 4, 2007 at 4:04 PM, Shana said...
hallo horny ahmoh!ur site vely intelesting one..hehe thanks for dropping by..
- At September 4, 2007 at 6:43 PM, Nessa said...
Adeh! Pandai merajuk lagi your cat! Kewl:D
- At September 5, 2007 at 4:36 AM, said...
Wahahahaha so cute one that cat! At first glance, I thought he was sleeping. LOL!!!
And look at that ayam masak merah!!! WAH, berliur aku tengah-tengah malam. :( I love ayam masak merah.....
And that agar-agar... :( It's been a while since I had agar-agar..
Hungry oh... - At September 6, 2007 at 3:49 PM, said...
the cat has a character like a human being! It's cute just like the owner.
- At September 6, 2007 at 4:26 PM, said...
eeee cute! and girl you can cook!
*jealous - At September 6, 2007 at 5:29 PM, Ratu Syura said...
awww.. comelya your cat.. kesian dia kena marah.. haha.. i hope he learns his lesson.. hehe!
- At September 6, 2007 at 8:03 PM, Shemah said...
the stray cat at my house curi the fish my mom just bought at the market, sudah kena marah, masih lagi meow minta makan. Tension betul. Then the next day, dia pegi curi bread! Bread lagi tu! Grrrr..
Anyways, your masakan reminds me of the upcoming puasa month. Especially the agar-agar. :D - At September 9, 2007 at 11:07 PM, Mas Light said...
awwww..punya cute tu kucing XD
- At September 10, 2007 at 1:48 PM, Shana said...
nessa:yeah merajuk all the time :P hehe
ishak:im not sure what species he is..hehe yeap cute kasian bah mau marah..
cindy:puasa is coming and im sure there's a lot of bazaar ramadhan u can go to , lots of food choices including varieties of agar agar! :D
ann:yeah too many charachter sometimes bikin geram..hehe thanks i am cuter than cougar!hehe
charlene:i can cook but how it taste,different story..hehe
syura: learn his lesson?HEH!banyak kali sudah bongkar sampah..hehe
shemah: ya ya lots of food choices nanti puasa kan..cant wait ehehe
mas:kiut..kena marah pun buat muka kiut oso.. - At September 11, 2007 at 3:59 PM, said...
sudahlah pandai masak, kucing pandai bergambar, lepas tu... ada gaya pegang baby... confirmed talented mother to be..kekekke...
all the best! - At September 11, 2007 at 4:33 PM, Shana said...
papajoneh: oh..u make me blush..did i mention my fish can talk?muahaha kidding..hehehe