Monday, August 6, 2007
Well back since last week but been very busy with work and with my uncle's wedding as well.As promised, u will see lots of my pic today, hehe.
As u all know,i went to kl last week for shopping and YES i did shop a lot!ngam ngam gaji bahhh heheh.We had a lot of fun, we went to sunway lagoon,berjaya time square..wanted to go to mines wonderland but had to cancel last minute,maybe in November we'll go there..
I have to warn u guys that all pics are taken with my not so high pixel handpone..
Me and Leo at the airport before im off to kl.
im doing some shopping with my sis and found this cute afro wig and me and sis berposing using these wigs
This is my sis hat that she bought for rm5 only.
This is the hat for my leo, excuse me for my tired face,jalan dari siang ke malam gia..
me and sis waiting for lrt(times like this i miss my car!seriously!)*AMARAN*Blurry image*hehe
my cute sister!ada macam mickey mouse kah kunun?hehe
And these are my friends..long lost friends..glad to meet them in KL..thanks u guys for bringing us jalan jalan..Thanks kizzy and hezah!u rawks!

not satisfied with my pics?there's more in my camera,i forgot to bring it to the office and i promise to upload them soon..tomorrow perhaps.Tata guysss...
Anyone wanna hire me for next birthday event or better yet bloggers gathering event?
posted @ 8:48 AM,
- At August 6, 2007 at 1:06 PM, moms world said...
put more more pics la gung..hehhe
- At August 6, 2007 at 2:46 PM, Shana said...
will do soon..hehe
- At August 6, 2007 at 6:06 PM, said...
Welcome baAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaAAAAAaaaaAAaack!!! Wah... have fun to the max ko di KL ar. Hehehehehe. :D
- At August 6, 2007 at 7:37 PM, Ratu Syura said...
alaaa.. so cute all the pics.. i like the afro wigs! hehe...
- At August 7, 2007 at 8:58 AM, Shana said...
cindy: thaaaAAaaaaaAAnnnKKKssss....yeahhh had funnnnnnn siokkk hehehe walaupun hujann sija..duh...
ratusyura: kiutkan the wigs?tulah trus mo bergambar kunun hehe - At August 7, 2007 at 2:58 PM, Shemah said...
tell me you bought the afro wigs!! hahah.. coolness!
- At August 7, 2007 at 3:29 PM, Shana said...
shemah: afraid not ..:o( menyesallll i didnt buy it!