eating out
Monday, July 16, 2007
Last night my dad , my sis and me went to the new mall , citymall for dinner and buying house grocerries at giant.And this is what we had for dinner...
and comes the delicious pizza!my fav super supreme and hawaiian chicken,my sis fav.
dont believe how delicious it is?look at my dad enjoying his pizza, tak pandang belakang punyaaa theee heee hee
Enjoying our pizza with this scenery..cantikkan?
And again ,my diet is ruined....
posted @ 3:49 PM,
- At July 16, 2007 at 7:03 PM, said...
Forget about diet! Makan pizza saja! Not that you need to lose weight, Shana! :D
- At July 17, 2007 at 9:28 AM, Shana said...
i do need to loose weight cindy,u loose weight 3kg kan?since i start working in this coooollllddddd office,i start binging on junkfoods...and the result?i gained 3 kg!waaa waaa and its only 1 month since i started working!!so i do need to loose weight giaaaaaa
- At July 18, 2007 at 5:04 AM, said...
Hawaiian pizza is my favorite too! Mmmm.. can smell it even from here.
Aiya.. talking about losing weight.. i think i am giving up already but funny I never gave up on food. LOL - At July 18, 2007 at 8:56 AM, Mas Light said...
ohohohoh i love pepperoni XD
yerrrrrrr i went to city mall too but didn't take the front part T_T so sad..
go back la ni